Instruction steps for the registration procedures in scheduling program for Sacred Power Community Membership
If link does not work, copy and paste below url into website browser:
1.Select Sacred Power Community Member Only item
2. Select Sacred Power Community Membership Purchase and Registration
3. Choose Redeem Coupon and insert code if you have one to reduce price.
4. Choose your time zone using arrow and CLICK Set time zone.If your time zone is PT you must still CLICK Set time zone to continue with registration.
5. Choose the closest upcoming 2nd Sunday of the month
6. Click on “Recurring..”
7. Under REPEAT – Click on arrow to drop down menu and choose The 2nd Sunday of every monthUnder TIMES TO REPEAT – Click on arrow to drop down menu and choose 12Click on Add Recurring Times button
8. You will see all 12 months for your annual membership Community members Sacred Power Circles.
9. If you did not insert Redeem code you can do so now.If you are paying with Paypal, click on “Pay Now” buttonIf you are paying with e-transfer, click on “Pay Later” button and send e-transfer to:
You will receive a system confirmation email. Sacred Power office will send you an email upon receipt of payment with all the necessary information for full participation as a member of the Sacred Power Community.
If you have any questions, please contact us: